“…will appear and destroy us.”

Because I had to.

  1. mumma left a comment on September 13, 2007 at 7:47 am

    A more frightening picture would have been J Edgar in a dress…although I believe that picture only exists in testimony and not in fact! I hear he had shoes to match too!

  2. Kate left a comment on September 13, 2007 at 9:36 am

    HAAAA!!! LJQ and I totally watched this movie again the other night, and I specifically scrutinized Aykroyd’s performance for any indication that Ray doesn’t need Venkman’s explanation and is formulating the Stay Puft plan before J. Edgar even gets mentioned.

    My findings were inconclusive.

    But God DAMN, do I love this movie. Where can I find a willing shorty to be the Key Master to my Gate Keeper, for what would surely be the greatest Halloween couples costume of all time?

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